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Well we have managed to survive the last six weeks of Coronavirus lockdown reasonable successfully. We think we can all agree that Father Chris and Amy have done a wonderful job over this stressful time in keeping our worship meaningful and heartfelt, and our Parish community well supported. We are indeed blessed.

The Wardens, our Treasurer and Father Chris have been Zoom meeting each week to review not only Financial issues but also things that have been impacted by our social distancing. We  can report that financially we are holding our own and that we have reduced our ongoing costs as much as we can at this time.

The Daycare of course has been closed and their staff put on temporary layoff. We have been in touch with the executive and have let them know we are ready to accept a much lower rent for this terrible period. So far they have offered half the rent for April and May. We expect that that may not continue into June.

We have contacted the Restoration Guys in the hope that now better weather is here that they might restart the roof painting. Unfortunately, Thomas Alder on reviewing the latest Provincial regulations for construction work finds that he is not allowed to do so. He is monitoring the situation and assures us that we are the first in his line of projects. We have not as yet received any invoices for the work they have done so far. The funding that you so generously donated last Fall is now locked away in Restricted Funds and a CIBC GIC account, so we will still have the funds to complete the work later in the Spring.

The Diocese has been very helpful in time of need. They have declared a Jubilee gift by deciding not to invoice any Parish in April and May this year for the Allotment and costs associated with Priests. This will cost the Diocese around $3.9M, an amount they have secured through a Mortgage on a property in the Pickering area.

The Diocese is applying for the 75% payroll relief grant on behalf of all Parishes in the Diocese. This will enable those Parishes that would not necessarily be granted this relief, to be a part of the overall Diocesan position. Hopefully this will reduce our payments to the Diocese by a considerable amount for June onwards.

The Diocese has also provided a number of virtual seminars on a number of subject to assist Parishes in continuing their Ministry. We have attended some relevant ones.

We have agreed and signed a new lease with our Rectory tenants as of 29 April 2020. There is a 2% fee increase included. The tenant is currently unemployed but rent is up to date as of April.

We have been proselytizing about PAR quite often lately. We have a small percentage (25%) of our Parishioners on PAR which we would like to see grow to more like 70%. The COVID-19 restrictions have shown that having a firm and regular contribution to rely on would be very helpful to the Corporation for planning for the future. Less stressed Wardens and Treasurer is a good goal!

Our prayers are now with you all that you may keep safe and well during this pandemic.

As always, we are pleased to serve as your Wardens,  

David and Claire